
Showing posts from May, 2017

Tennessee Walkers

   Hello fellow equestrians!  Sorry the post is a little late.  I want to inform you that my posting date will change to every Friday.  Today we will discuss Tennessee Walkers and their professions.  Tennessee Walkers have awesome trustworthiness, gaits, and intelligence.      Trustworthiness Tennessee Walkers are very careful mounts.  One time, when a few potentially dangerous cows walked up, my friend's old Tennessee Walker put herself between my friend and the cows until they left her alone.      Gait Tennessee Walkers have a special gait called the "running walk" which is a very gentle gait about the same speed as a canter.  It is very easy to ride them in this gait and it is a more comfortable speed for long trail rides.     Intelligence This breed is so smart, they have been used in television shows, parades, movies, and other performing events.    Well, I hope you liked this week'...


   Hello fellow equestrians!  Today I will teach you the basic characteristics of Thoroughbreds.  They are an awesome breed that does not cease to excite me when watching them.  They have remarkable speed, stamina, and strength. Image Link:  Thoroughbred      Speed    Thoroughbreds are the fastest long-distance racers in the world.  Their top speed is around 40 mph. I have never actually been to any of the Triple Crown races (an American horse race) , but I do watch them on television and it is incredible to see how athletic they are!      Stamina This breed can keep a 40 mph dash going for 1 and 1/4 miles.  The Quarter Horse is a tough competitor in the speed category, but the Thoroughbred takes the cake in the long distance area of riding.      Strength    The heart of Thoroughbred horses have to be quite large to keep blood flowing in their muscular body.  I...

Quarter Horses

   Hello fellow equestrians!  Today I will teach you about Quater Horses.  They are an amazing breed with spectacular speed, strength, and devotion.      Speed   Quartet Horses are the fastest breed in the world when it comes to short distance sprints.  They even surpass the famous Thoroughbred when it comes to quickness.  Their top speed is 10 to 20 mph.      Brawn    This breed is known for their great strength.  Quater Horses weight averages to about 1,000 pounds. They are one solid mount!      Devotion    Quarter Horses are a very dependable breed.  In my years of experience, I have seen for myself their willingness to listen to their owner and trust them with all they've got.  One of my close friends owns two of them.  They are very affectionate  to her and me, and they don't know me that well! Quarter Horse Image: picture